Current Draft 0.9.2 from 11.12.2021
Here is the latest version of the Whitepaper draft:
Happy for any feedback. It is work in progress so things are subject to change. Especially the Protocol section is still being updated.
- 26.02.2021: The initial core code has been published here
- 14.03.2021: Updated to 0.6. Added packet payload structures for Announcement and Response messages.
- 17.03.2021: 0.7. Added a byte in the Announcement message to inform about sender's feature support
- 20.04.2021: 0.7.2 Added Sequence field, SEQUENCE_LAST flag, separate Local Discovery message
- 08.05.2021: 0.7.3 Add internal/external ports for NAT detection and UPnP support
- 10.05.2021: 0.8 New Traverse message for UDP hole punching
- 20.05.2021: 0.8.1 Include both IPv4/IPv6 addresses in peer records in the Response message for efficiency
- 23.05.2021: 0.8.2 Initial design of blockchain structure
- 19.11.2021: 0.9 New Transfer message for file transfer. File records improved on blockchain.
- 29.11.2021: 0.9.1 Merkle Tree added for files. Root hash and fragment size stored in blockchain.
- 11.12.2021: 0.9.2 Blockchain Exchange, increase block height to 64-bits
Howdy, Stranger!